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Chemical part 2.Chemical - Part 2

  攻略 ・WOODSは非常に開けた場所に設置する必要があるため、真夜中にいくといい。Interchangeの中央にあたるKIBAストア前は激戦区なので、時間を置いていくのもあり。開幕すぐはKIRAが近くにいるのに加え、それを狩りにくるPMCがうじゃうじゃ湧いてくる。Customsはわりと安全な所に設置できる。. 攻略 ・スカブに見つかった時用にフラッシュグレネード ZARYA を持っておくといい。物資を置き終わったとしても、Skierに完了報告するまではスカブを殺してはならない。失敗扱いとなってしまうので注意。スカブを殺しさえしなければ複数のレイドにまたがってもいい。フレンドに手伝ってもらうのが一番いいが、時間を置いて寮に入ったり、夜レイドに出れば意外とすんなり終わる。全てのアイテムを置いた後に、死んでスタート画面にもどっても成功となる。高価なロレックスを置いたあとは、変に攻撃するよりは死を選んだ方がいいかもしれない。. 鍵の入手:Health Resort west wing office room key. And judging from the documents, our deputy chief was seen on the second floor of the first building, the three-story one.  

- Chemical - Part 2 手がかりの在り処 - Niconico Video


Sodium is the 5 th most abundant metal; other four are aluminum, iron, calcium, and magnesium. In comparison to potassium which is a better ion , sodium is more frequently used because of its lower price and atomic weight. Metallic sodium is principally used for the production of sodium borohydride, sodium triphenylphosphine, azide, indigo, etc. In some fast reactors, liquid sodium is used as a heat transfer fluid because of having the property of good heat conductivity.

Sodium is also an essential mineral for the human health, as it regulates blood pressure, blood volume, osmotic equilibrium, and pH value. Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the major dietary supplements required for a good health. In comparison to other metals, the calcium ion and most of the other calcium compounds have low toxicity. If calcium comes in contact with air, it reacts swiftly and forms a gray-white coating of calcium nitride and calcium oxide.

Calcium also found in igneous and metamorphic rocks mostly in the silicate minerals, such as amphiboles, plagioclases, pyroxenes, and garnets. Calcium also found in many of the food products namely dairy products, almonds, hazelnuts, soy beans, broccoli, dandelion leaves, figs, and in many more.

Calcium hydroxide - Ca OH 2. Calcium chloride - CaCl 2. Calcium hypochlorite Bleaching powder - Ca ClO 2. Calcium phosphate - Ca 3 PO 4 2. Calcium citrate Ca 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 2 is commonly used as food preservative. Calcium gluconate Ca C 6 H 11 O 7 2 is used frequently as a food additive as well as in vitamin pills. Calcium hypochlorite Ca OCl 2 is generally used as a swimming pool disinfectant, as a bleaching agent. The metal with color silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, and ductile metal property, is known as aluminum.

Aluminum has the potential to resist corrosion and the process of this resistivity is known as passivation. An aluminum film is a very good reflector of visible light, as it reflects more than 90 percent of incoming rays. Aluminum has the property of heat and electricity conductivity and hence, it is a good conductor. After oxygen and silicon, aluminum is the third most abundant element; however, it is the most abundant metal in the crust. Alumina - Al 2 O 3.

Aluminum chloride - AlCl 3. Aluminum sulphate - Al 2 SO 4 3. Aluminum hydroxide - Al OH 3. Aluminum carbide - Al 4 C 3. Aluminum is used in transportation industries, such as railway, automobiles, aircraft, spacecraft, trucks, marine vessels, bicycles, etc. Aluminum is used in making home appliances and many other household items, such as cooking utensils. Aluminum is used as light reflector, as it is a good light reflector; basically, some of the materials are aluminum coated specially to reflect light.

Among all the alkali metals of the Earth, magnesium has lowest melting point i. about 1, 0 F and lowest boiling point about 1, 0 F.

Magnesium, when burns in air, produces a brilliant-white light, which also includes strong ultraviolet wavelengths.

By mass, magnesium is the 11 th most abundant element in the human body and it is essential to all cells and enzymes. Magnesium carbonate - MgCO 3. Magnesium chloride - MgCl 2. Magnesium citrate - C 6 H 6 MgO 7. Magnesium hydroxide - Mg OH 2. Magnesium oxide - MgO. Magnesium sulfate - MgSO 4. Many of the automotive big brands including Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, etc.

use magnesium in making their highly quality cars. Because of having low weight and good electrical and mechanical properties, magnesium is commonly used in manufacturing laptops and tablet computers, mobile phones, cameras, and many other electronic components. Manganese II oxide - MnO. Manganese I oxide - Mn 2 O 3. Manganese dioxide - MnO 2. Manganese chloride - MnCl 2. Potassium permanganate - KMnO 4. Manganese II sulfate - MnSO 4.

Manganese II carbonate - MnCO 3. Manganese II sulfide - MnS. Manganese II nitrate - Mn NO 3 2. Manganese II bromide - MnBr 2. Manganese heptoxide - Mn 2 O 7. Dimanganese decacarbonyl - C 10 O 10 Mn 2. Manganese II iodide - MnI 2. Manganese II fluoride - MnF 2. Manganese dioxide is also used in the manufacture of oxygen and chlorine and in drying black paints.

In dry air, iron remains inactive and does not react with air ; however, in moist air, it reacts and forms rust. Pure iron normally does not react with pure water; however, it reacts easily with ordinary of polluted water and rust forms.

Most likely, iron is the most abundantly available element of the earth; however, it is the fourth most abundantly available element of the crust. Hematite - Fe 2 O 3. Magnetite - Fe 3 O 4. Siderite - FeCO 3. Iron II oxide - FeO. Iron III chloride - FeCl 3. Iron III oxide-hydroxide - Fe OH 3. Iron II sulfide - FeS. Iron II chloride - FeCl 2. Iron phosphate - FePO 4. Ferrate VI - FeO 4 Iron III sulfide - Fe 2 S 3. Iron III chromate - Fe 2 CrO 4 3. Iron II hydroxide - Fe OH 2.

Iron III acetate - C 14 H 27 Fe 3 O. Iron II oxalate - FeC 2 O 4. Iron II fluride - FeF 2. Industries like railway, ship building, automobile, engineering construction, etc. Copper was the first metal that successful alloyed with another metal, e. copper alloyed with tin and resultantly bronze is prepared.

It is done about c. Copper normally does not react with water; however, it does react slowly with atmospheric oxygen and form a layer of brown-black copper oxide. The brown-black copper oxide usually protects the underlying metal from further corrosion just like passivation.

Passivation is a process of use of a light coat of a protective material, such as metal oxide, which is used to create a protective shell against the corrosion.

In , the largest mass of elemental copper weighing about tones discovered. It was found on the Keweenaw Peninsula located in Michigan, US. Cupric acetate - Cu CH 3 COO 2. Copper I oxide - Cu 2 O. Copper II oxide - CuO. Copper II chloride - CuCl 2. Dicopper chloride trihydroxide - Cu 2 OH 3 Cl. Copper I chloride - CuCl.

Copper II nitrate - Cu NO 3 2. Copper Cyanide - CuCN. Silver has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity; and, it has also the highest reflectivity of any metal.

Silver has very high electrical and thermal conductivity. Its electric conductivity is the highest — higher than copper. Silver chloride - AgCl. Silver iodide - Agl. Silver bromide - AgBr. Silver oxide - Ag 2 O. Silver sulfide - Ag 2 S. Silver fluoride - AgF. Silver cyanide - AgCN. Silver carbonate - Ag 2 CO 3. Silver acetate - AgC 2 H 3 O 2.

Silver sulfate - Ag 2 SO 4. Silver chromate - Ag 2 CrO 4. Silver oxalate - Ag 2 C 2 O 4. Silver chlorate - AgClO 3. Because of having very high electric conductivity, silver is commonly used in some electronic devices. Besides, silver has many other uses, such as in photography, in chemical equipment, nanoparticles, etc. Gold occurs as nuggets or else found in in rocks, grains, in veins, and in some other alluvial deposits.

Gold III chloride - AuCl 3. Gold I chloride - AuCl. Chloroauric acid - HAuCl 4. Gold III oxide - Au 2 O 3. Gold bromide - AuBr. Gold bromide - AuBr 3. Gold III hydroxide - AuH 3 O 3. Gold fluoride - AuF 3. Gold V fluoride - AuF 5.

Gold sulfide - Au 2 S. As it is highly precious and provides a beautiful look, hence it is characteristically used in making ornaments. The name of platinum is derived from a Spanish term i. Platinum is characteristically resists corrosion in all conditions. Because of this reason, it is considered as noble metal.

Platinum is normally insoluble in nitric and hydrochloric acid, but dissolves in hot aqua regia. After dissolving into the hot aqua regia, platinum gives aqueous chloroplatinic acid see the image given below. Platinum is commonly found as the native natural platinum and as alloy with the other platinum-group.

Platinum II chloride - Pt Cl 2. Platinum IV chloride - PtCl 4. Platinum hexafluoride - PtF 6. Potassium tetrachloropla - K 2 PtCl 4. Chloroplatinic acid - H 2 PtCl 6. Sodium hexachloropl - Na 2 PtCl 6. Apart from all these usages, platinum is also used in medicine anti-cancer drugs , glassmaking equipment, electrodes, turbine engines, investment, etc.

In terms of availability, zinc is the 24 th most abundant element found in the Earth's crust and it has five stable isotopes. Interestingly, alchemists burned zinc in the air and form something different thing and they named that "philosopher's wool" or " white snow. Zinc metal is normally hard and brittle; however, at when the temperature increases from 0 C, it becomes malleable. When temperature increases 0 C, then the zinc metal again becomes brittle and can be pulverized easily by beating.

Zinc halides - ZnF 2. Zinc nitrate - Zn NO 3 2. Zinc chlorate - Zn ClO 3 2. Zinc sulfate - ZnSO 4. Zinc phosphate - Zn 3 PO 4 2. Zinc molybdate - ZnMoO 4. Zinc chromate - ZnCrO 4. Zinc arsenite - Zn AsO 2 2. Zinc acetate - Zn O 2 CCH 3 2. Zinc is an essentially required element for our health; it is normally used as supplementary materials in the forms as zinc oxide, zinc acetate, or zinc gluconate. Chelated zinc is usually used in toothpastes and mouthwashes liquid , as it prevents the bad breath.

The red pigment vermilion is extracted by grinding either natural cinnabar or synthetic mercuric sulfide. Mercury usually available in liquid state; in normal condition, it is only the few metallic element that remains in liquid state at room temperature. Mercury poisoning caused because of the ingesting any form of mercury. It is also caused by inhalation of mercury vapor.

Mercury is found either as a native natural element or in corderoite, cinnabar, livingstonite, etc. Mercury is found the region of young mountain belt; the belt that keep forcing the denser rocks to the crust of the earth.

For example, volcanic region or even hot spring regions. Mercury II chloride - HgCl 2. Mercury I — chloride - Hg 2 Cl 2. Dimethylmer - C 2 H 6 Hg. Mercury II nitrate - Hg NO 3 2. Mercury II acetate - C 4 H 6 O 4 Hg. Mercury II sulfate - HgSO 4.

Mercury I iodide - Hg 2 I 2. Mercury II fulminate - Hg CNO 2. Mercury II bromide - HgBr 2. Mercury II iodide - HgI 2. Mercury I oxide - Hg 2 O. Mercury I fluoride - Hg 2 F 2. Mercuric amidochloride - ClH 2 HgN. Diethylmercury - C 4 H 10 Hg. Plutonium was first discovered in , by a group of scientists namely Glenn T. Seaborg, Joseph W. Kennedy, Edwin M.

McMillan and Arthur C. Because of fission process, neutrons get released and convert uranium nuclei into plutonium Plutonium and plutonium both are fissile, and hence, they can sustain a nuclear chain reaction. It is very well applicable in nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors.

The melting point of plutonium is 0 C and its boiling point is 3, 0 C. The release of helium nucleus a high-energy is the most common form of radioactive decay for the plutonium. Plutonium IV oxide - PuO 2. Plutonium III chloride - PuCl 3.

Plutonium tetrafluoride - PuF 4. In , Martin Heinrich Klaproth had discovered the element uranium and named it after the name of Uranus. Uranium occurs naturally in very low concentrations i. a few parts per million in rock, soil, and water. The half-life of uranium is about 4.

Uranium nitride - U 2 N 3. Uranium pentafluoride - UF 5. Uranium carbide - UC. Uranyl fluoride - UO 2 F 2. Uranium dioxide - UO 2. Uranium hexafluoride - UF 6. Triuranium oxtoxide - U 3 O 8.

Uranium tetrafluoride - UF 4. Uranium trioxide - UO 3. Uranium tetrachloride - Ucl 4. Uranyl nitrate - UO 2 NO 3 2. Lead has tendency to bond itself; likewise, it can form chains, bonds, rings, and polyhedral structures. Lead dioxide - PbO 2.

Lead is commonly used as a protective sheath for the underwater cables only because it has the property of corrosion resistance. Presence of lead in excessive quality in the body may cause severe damage to the brain and kidneys; it may even cause death lastly.

Among all the significant radioactive elements, the half-life of thorium is the longest, i. about Thorium is primordial element that exists existed in its current form since before the Earth was formed. Mag-Thor and thorium-aluminum are the most significant alloys of thorium, Magnesium, and aluminum.

Thorium dioxide - ThO 2. Thorium IV sulfide - ThS 2. Thorium IV iodide - ThI 4. Thorium tetrafluoride - ThF 4. Thorium IV chloride - ThCl 4. Thorium IV carbide - ThC. Thorium is normally used in gas tungsten arc welding GTAW because it thorium increases the high-temperature strength of tungsten electrodes and accordingly improve arc stability.

View source. History Talk 0. The documents that you got from the den of this tosspot weigh quite a bit. Pretty heavy they are. But this is a damn dangerous stuff. And there is no clarity who will be the best buyer for it. And it's not even so much about the profit, as it is about getting some enormous fuckin' problems if we choose the wrong address.

So here's the key that you found there as well, and try to dig up further. My guys said it's from a dorm room. And judging from the documents, our deputy chief was seen on the second floor of the first building, the three-story one. Any info you could find in this room can come in very handy, and the prize will be impressive. Well, whatever. Come what may. Categories : Quests. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.

Fan Feed 1 Quests 2 Map of Tarkov 3 Lighthouse. Universal Conquest Wiki. Follow on IG TikTok Join Fan Lab. Quest data. Required for Kappa container. Previous: Chemical - Part 1. Leads to: Chemical - Part 3. Other choices: -. Got tired of waiting for you already.

It seems this problem is not solved, but only got more complicated. Unlocks dorm room at the three-story dorms on Customs where the Sealed letter with a TG logo is located on a shelf and the Sliderkey Secure Flash drive is located in a laptop.



EFT:ESCAPE FROM TARKOV(エスケープフロムタルコフ) Skierタスク – Chemical, Part 3 攻略 | RIVER -

    Chemical - Part 2. Quest Skier «Chemical - Part 2» Got tired of waiting for you already. The documents that you got from the den of this tosspot weigh quite a bit. Pretty heavy they are. 11/1/ · Angel Kicevski January 11, Last Updated: January 14, 0 1 minute read. Chemical – Part 2 is a quest in Escape From Tarkov given by Skier. The quest is available 4/2/ · 🔴 Subscribe: | 🔴 Membership: the newest videos:


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